PROJECT 1: Expand Jumbo Cash usage.
Building from and supporting the work that Senator Kevin Gleason and the Services Committee have done, let’s get Jumbo Cash access to all major restaurants close to campus. As a devout foodie myself, this is close to my heart, and as President, I will make sure the Services Committee is on track and supported to get this done. I’m looking at you, Tamper, Boston Burger Company, Mr. Crepe, and Starbucks!
PROJECT 2: Free printing and greater printer connectivity across campus.
Building from the incredible work Senators Jacqueline Chen and Gauri Seth have done to get printing stipends for all students and a printer in the campus center, let’s move forward and allow students the ability to print from anywhere across campus, as well as install printers in each of the dorm rooms.
PROJECT 3: Administer a TCU run streamlined Textbook Exchange Service.
Senators Phil Miller and Adam Rapfogel have done tremendous work in instituting a Textbook Exchange Service this semester, which basically streamlines the online textbook exchange Facebook group into a physical and reliable space in the Campus Center (organized and maintained by TCU Senators). You can come by this room to sell, buy, and borrow textbooks from your peers -- no more crazy search process and texting chase to get the books you need!
Expanding Student Services