PROJECT 1: Create and distribute “administration power-maps” to students.
These maps would be used to share knowledge among the student body on how the administration operates and who to reach out to for specific concerns. The aim is to support individual and collective student activism by connecting student concerns to the administrators responsible for addressing such concerns.
PROJECT 2: Involve students both inside and outside of student government for committee placement on different university initiatives.
An important skill for a TCU President to have is the ability to delegate. Because one person cannot and should not serve on every committee the Tufts administration creates, it’s important that the TCU President recognizes this and connects with others who might be better equipped and/or interested in serving on university committees and being part of the university decision-making process.
PROJECT 3: Ensure transparency and timeliness in the way senate resolutions are heard.
As the past couple of weeks have shown us, resolutions need to involve greater participation from all facets of the student body. I have been an active part of the senate’s Strategic Planning Committee, where we’ve been evaluating what works and what doesn’t work in how Senate operates. The way resolutions are currently presented and discussed does not work. As President, I hope to establish and enforce a two week minimum time period for resolutions to be submitted, reviewed, and communicated to the student body before they can be heard on the Senate floor for a vote.
working for